Tuesday 13 March 2018


Mock ups


The images above is my first initial mock up of what I would like to present my magazine covers. As you can see it's quite basic and I used a South Korean model as my stock photos for this mock up because my target audience are sophisticated and showcasing a model that dresses well is the best start for representing the target audience.


The 4 above is another mock up from the first one but this time I have used my own models for the actual magazine cover. I have chosen these models because from the responses from my target audience they would rather have models that are similar in age so that they can see for themselves what it would look like. I have also decided to use models of different ethnicity to add diversity to my magazine plus it is one of the aims for this project and hopefully this will help hook in a wide audience for the magazine and the Bauer company. You can also see that I made a mocks for my contents page which will help reveal content from the sell lines in the front cover of the magazine.

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