Friday 28 September 2018

Production - Website

Website influences

For my final website design, I didn't really have any influences when I made my website for the new fashion magazine 'Xeno'. The basic layout for the website was from a template I found that suited the target audience for my fashion magazine. From there I just added sections that I think would be applied for a normal fashion website however, at some point I didn't know what else to add or if it really suits the theme of a fashion website therefore, I decided to search one of the biggest fashion magazine website - Vogue. The screenshot below is a shot of the current vogue website.

It turned out that Vogue's website is quite similar to mine for example the simpleness in the layout is like mine therefore, I used this website as reference alongside mine but it was only for reference for what elements I should include in the website meaning the other layouts like articles are in the style I liked in stead of copying exactly the same style as Vogue's website.

My Website made in Wix

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