How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and meet the requirements of your chosen brief?
I am going to be designing a magazine that will be targeting sophisticated 16-25 year olds of all Diversity. To appeal to the sophisticated audience, I will be drawing attention mainly on the art form of fashion. My research into fashion magazines shows a wide range of different cover conventions, from use of close ups to long shots of groups, though covers most often use mid to long shots. Mise en scene is usually focused on the clothing, hair and makeup, but in some cases the cultural issues seem to be more important than the clothes (e.g. Diversity in Vogue magazine). I will focus on the clothes, but will also include some aspects of diversity to allow me to fulfil the brief ‘At least two models representing at least two different social groups.’ My focus group have said that they prefer to see models that are close to them in age and to see fashion that is less about aspiration and more about things that they can wear on occasions. However, several of them also said that they wanted to see stories that would touch on high end fashion so I will also be including these in my contents page, which will ensure ‘a diverse range of fashion issues and styles.’ I am creating this for ‘Bauer Media Group’, who do not produce a magazine similar to this, so I will be adding to their portfolio and targeting a younger audience than is currently within their fashion demographic.
For my website I will be designing it to act as a supporting media product for the magazine that will help advertise the significance of the magazine. On the home page of my website I plan to design a feed of different articles similar to that of social media, which appears to be a convention of fashion websites, for example This I believe is in keeping with the target audience as social media is often aimed at the younger demographic. In addition to this, I will include features such as fashion articles, including photographs from exhibitions in Korea which fully gives a glimpse of the content in my magazines. I want the layout and design of the website to be clear, simple yet also interesting enough to appeal to the my sophisticated target audience.There will also be a forum for the audience to participate in a ‘Your Thoughts’ which will encourage audience participation by asking a range of questions about the magazine and the website which is one of the aims of this project.
How do you intend to link your media products to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the digitally convergent nature of your media production?
I intend a clear connection between the two products by conforming to a consistent Style across the magazines and the website for example the colours for the both of them I intend to make it simplistic yet very elegant which will appeal to my sophisticated target audience. The Masthead will be eye-catching and I will feature the same elements for both the website and magazine, the models featured in the magazines will be showcased in a wider range of images within the website. The company logo for Bauer and the independent media company will be on both magazines. The forum section called ‘Your thoughts’ should draw clear connections between the two. The intention is to make the audience feel like they are part of the production process and to use the digitally convergent forum to give feedback.